Angular testing: When to use shallow rendering?

When you test components with multiple layers of children, this is cost. Cost because of rendering. Cost because of the dependency maintenance for all children.

Shallow testing skips compiling and rendering child components during test execution, makes a true unit test.

When to apply shallow testing?

Performance. Where unit test can be run within 5ms, a component test is 50ms. Usually, Page components are the biggest in the codebase. I found such tests can run for 900ms to even 5 seconds. For single test. This is a no-go when having over 10k tests. Shallow tests might be good quick win practice optimizing tests.

Isolation. It’s quite common to add a new dependency to a resuable directive or component. It tends to break other tests because something is missing in dependency injection tree.

How to shallow test Angular components?

This one is simple. You add schema NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA and drop all imports, providers and declarations outside what is directly needed by the component we test.

import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

    schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
    declarations: [ComponentWeTest],

Typically, this removes lots of setup code and unrelated mocks from the test suite.

When to use Shallow Testing?

The initialization of the test can take much more time and resources than the test itself. The most costly part of it is resolving Dependency Injection tree from all listed modules and compilation of all child components.

Knowing that, check:

  1. ❓ If your TestBed contains things that are not closely coupled with your component
  2. ❓ If your TestBed contains too many modules and components
  3. ❓ If you make a change in shared component, and you need to adjust TestBed in other, not related components that “somehow” use it under the hood
  4. ⚠️ The single test suite runs for 5 seconds or more!

See example of module that will be great to optimize:

  declarations: [
    MockOfChildComponent3, // and so on for up to
    MockOfChildComponent4, // 10, 20 mocked child components
  imports: [
    MatButtonComponent, // + other component library stuff
    DependentModule4, // and so on for up to
    DependentModule1, // 10, 20 imported modules

Apply NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA and drop all imports, providers and declarations. Keep only direct dependencies and mocks related to ComponentWeTest. It’s cleaner, faster and easier to maintain.s

When not to use NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA?

⚠️ It’s not silver-bullet! It skips some part of the compilation, so it makes a test truly unit test.

  1. Do not use for small components. Do not use for mid components. Only huge Page components are complex enough to gain a lot of time from module resolutions/compilations. At the same time, Page component tests tend to be less complex in my experience.
  2. You might see issues when you rely on @ViewChild annotations in a given component. Since the component is not rendered, @ViewChild won’t find a proper reference.
  3. Compiler won’t find some of the regressions like @Input name changes, because components are not included in compilation

Angular vs React

I found it interesting to learn how Shallow Testing practices differ between frameworks. React have a simple API of mount() and shallow():

  • Call the mount(), everything will be compiled no matter how huge component tree is,
  • Call the shallow(), all children component will be ignored. No exceptions.

To my knowledge, you can’t mix them and do integration test of some components. This is one of the common complaints about the practice. I found Angular approach a little better here.

Since Angular have module system, you can define which components should be included in test and skipping the rest with NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA option.

  schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
  declarations: [
    MaterialTableComponent, // <-- this child will be recognised and rendered

This is great for precise integration testing.

Others writing about shallow testing


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